Regency Era

Articles about the Regency era


Regency Coin — What Did it Cost? by Shannon Donnelly

Regency Coin — What Did it Cost? by Shannon Donnelly
In Proper Conduct, Shannon Donnelly’s heroine spends a good deal of time worrying about money that is not there, particular after her father spends nearly 1,000 pounds on a horse. Not an excessive sum to someone such as the Prince Regent, whose racing stud farm cost him 30,000 pounds a year. But all these numbers seemed to need a bit of perspective.

Sisters of Ill Repute:   The Regency’s Harriette Wilson and Her Profligate Sisters by Cheryl Bolen

Today, Cheryl Bolen gives us a biographical sketch of a coterie of notable Regency Cyprians. Most Regency devotees are well-aware of the notorious courtesan, Harriette Wilson, who blackmailed scores of powerful and famous men when she was writing her memoirs. But did you know she had three sisters who joined her in her scandalous profession?

Regency Promenade – Elizabeth, Lady Melbourne

 Elizabeth, Lady Melbourne, introduced by our Regency Promenade author, Nancy Mayer.   Lady Melbourne (née Milbanke: 1752-1818) was one of the most famous Regency Personages. Her two claims to fame are her son William, husband of Lady Caroline  Lamb, and her friendship with Lord  Byron, the poet. She was also known for her political influence and her lovers, including George, Prince of…