Forums FAQ

Our Forums are Our Lifeblood

If Regency Fiction Writers is the place to connect with and learn, the RFW Forums are the place that happens 24/7/365. The forums are where members meet for community discussion, where The Regency Academe classes are conducted, and where registered Conference attendees can chat and connect. You must be logged in to view forums for which you have access.

Regency Academe-Only Students

Our Regency Academe classes are for more than just RFW Members! The classes are held on the same forum platform, but access to a given classroom is set by registering for that class. Late registration for a class may result in information and lessons posted prior to forum access not being sent to you in email. All posts will be available in the classroom forum. You may also want to visit The Regency Academe FAQ as well.

Annual Conference Attendees

Registered attendees of RFW’s Annual Conference will gain access to conference-specific forums. News & Announcements will be made there by the Conference Chair, and space for networking and socializing will be available to all registered attendees.

The Forums

Frequently Asked Questions

Try using the email address that you used when you created the account. If that does not help, please email our Webmaster for assistance.

Your active Academe Classrooms can be accessed directly from your Dashboard. If you don’t see it there, check The Regency Academe FAQ for more information.

You will also need to subscribe to your Classroom forum if you wish to get email notifications new topics and replies as they are posted, you must go into each specific forum and click the Subscribe button at the top right of the forum listing so it says ‘Unsubscribe’. Receiving email notifications will make it easier to save class discussions for your future reference.

If you just want to create a brand new topic, go to the forum you want and scroll to the bottom past the topic index of existing posts to find the form to create a new topic there.

If you want to add a response to a specific topic, go to that topic and scroll to the bottom past the existing replies to find the form to create a new reply there.

You can also reply to specific replies or posts by clicking on the REPLY or QUOTE (to copy the previous post, please trim to what’s relevant to your reply) at the bottom of the post or reply to take you to the form to create your reply.

REPLY BY EMAIL has been added. You can simply reply to an email notification without changing the TO: recipient or Subject Line and only adding new content ABOVE the line that reads:

##-If you want to reply, type it above this line-##

Please note, you will NOT be able to reply to digests in this manner. Digests contain several useful links which, if you’ve signed in on the site recently, should take you right there so you can post your reply.

For the forums to know send email notifications of new topics and as they are posted, you must go into each specific forum and click the Subscribe button at the top right of the forum listing so it says ‘Unsubscribe’.

If you’ve already subscribed to the desired forums and still aren’t receiving messages, check your spam/junk folder for anything from and mark it as not spam/not junk! You should also add the following addresses for various Regency Fiction Writers programs to your contacts so your email client/provider knows you want to receive email from them:

webmaster [at] regencyfictionwriters [dot] org and
no_reply [at] regencyfictionwriters [dot] org

Another step is to check that your email address is correct in your account profile.

If you are still having problems, please submit a report using RFW’s Website Issue Reporting Form.

You should receive email notifications for posts and replies that you make yourself.

However, posts that are within a topic or category from which you have unsubscribed, or for which you do not have access will not be sent to you via email.

If you choose to get instant notifications for posts on the forums and you notice you’re only seeing notifications of replies in a specific forum, please go to that forum and click on the Unsubscribe and then re-Subscribe to it again. This should fix the issue.

If you find our emails land in your Spam/Junk folder, please mark them as Not Spam/Junk and add no_reply [at] regencyfictionwriters [dot] org and webmaster [at] regencyfictionwriters [dot] org to your contacts.

Yes! Unfortunately, you cannot set one forum category to be on digest mode and the rest to immediate emails or vice versa — it’s an all or nothing option.

To change your Digest Options, visit the Forum Notifications link on your Account page.

Forum Digests☑ Enable Forum Digests
Digest FrequencyDaily | Weekly | Monthly
Instant Forum Notifications☑ Get notified of new topics/replies as soon as they are created
Digest TypeCondensed | Full

The default option is to receive Condensed Daily digests of all accessible content and to be notified of new topics/replies as soon as they are created.

Please note: neither email notifications of new posts nor digests are sent unless you are Subscribed to the forum in which they are made.

Yes! To change your Instant Forum Notifications Options, visit the Forum Notifications link on your Account page.

Forum Digests☑ Enable Forum Digests
Digest FrequencyDaily | Weekly | Monthly
Instant Forum Notifications◻️ Get notified of new topics/replies as soon as they are created
Digest TypeCondensed | Full

The option to be notified of new topics/replies as soon as they are created is the highlighted Instant Forum Notifications above. Click to remove the check mark if it’s there and you will only receive digests if the first checkbox is set to Enable Forum Digests.

Please note: you cannot set one forum category to be on digest mode and the rest to immediate emails or vice versa — it’s an all or nothing option.

We sure HOPE NOT! No one wants to wade through all that information again and, unfortunately, the platform would have no idea which forum you want the reply to go in.

Here are a couple ways to find existing forum content:

1) For general searches of the forums: At the very top of the main forums page, there is a search box right below the “Forums” title. Enter your search term there and hit return.

2) To find things that YOU have posted or replied: Click on the Account link at the top right of each page to bring you to your Account page.

Then, click on the Forum Profile link to view the page that following links:

  • Profile
  • Topics Started *
  • Replies Created *
  • Engagements *
  • Favorites
  • Subscriptions
  • Edit

* These highlighted links will show Topics, Replies and other engagements that you have posted. Think of “Favorites” as a list of forum bookmarks.

Unread topics will have a bright green, chunky exclamation point in front of them on the forum listing.

You can opt out of seeing these icons by editing your forum profile from your Account page and searching for the “Display unread icons” and “Do not display unread icons” radio buttons and choosing the one you want.

If you visit and the forums regularly to keep your browser’s cookies updated, you should have no problem following links in the forum emails on your same device.

If you are still having problems, please submit an error report using RFW’s Website Issue Reporting Form.