
Articles about the ways people communicated during the Regency

Oh, Foolish Foolscap!

A cross-post from The Regency Redingote: In great agitation, she took a sheet of foolscap from the desk drawer. Placing it on the blotter, she dipped her sharpened quill into the inkwell and began to write furiously  … Or, something like that. How many characters in how many Regency romances have written or received a…

A Two penny post Letter – Stewart, 1814

Stewart, 1814. “A London Twopenny Post letter – 1814”   by   Eunice Shanahan     This letter is addressed to John Stewart Esqre No.16 Queen St Brompton from J. Hill of Rotherhithe. This was on the south side of the Thames and about this time Rotherhithe was still virtually an island, having two…