Royal Coronations

Fancy Dress

Fancy Dress

As the crowning of King Charles III nears, I can’t resist sharing this image of George IV in his full coronation glory in 1821. Prinny’s coronation robes were so ornate he needed help in his progress down the aisles of Westminster Abbey. This 1823 painting of the King George’s coronation by Edward Scriven shows the…

The Coronation Chair

  On May 6, when Charles Philip Arthur George is crowned King Charles III in Westminster Abbey, he’ll have the best seat in the house – the Coronation Chair. During the ceremony, both Charles and Camilla will sit on thrones especially made for them. But only Charles gets to sit on the centuries-old wooden throne….

To Crown a King

  On May 6, only a few weeks away,  an historic event will take place in Westminster Abbey: the coronation of Charles III. For Regency fans, comparisons between Charles’ big day and the coronation of George IV are inevitable. And even though a little more than 200 years separates these royal milestones, there are significant…