TBM Forum: Working on the Web Round-Up
The August articles in the Working on the Web forum range from advice on book promotion to the SEO value of images and tips on the legal use of those images. Featured Beau Monde author Regan Walker shared her advice and experience on promoting her newly-released book, Racing with the Wind. She has provided a plethora of marketing tips of which any author can take advantage to help spread the word about their own books. Our ongoing SEO series offers an article about how the images you use on your web site or blog can help you to increase the search engine optimization of your site. Those same techniques will also help to make your web pages more user-friendly for your visitors with visual impairments. A companion article considers the issues related to the use of images on web and blog pages and includes links to several sites which explain how to avoid legal problems which can arise if images are not used appropriately.
Next month, the Working on the Web article on SEO will explain the intricacies of incoming and outgoing links and how to understand their varying value in terms of search engine optimization. It is these links which make the Web a web. You can learn how to build your own "web" to make your web site or blog more visible in search engine results listings. The blogging article originally planned for this month, which will explain an important feature available for blog posts which most bloggers overlook, even though it helps them capture statistics on those individual posts, has been postponed until next month.
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