Georgian Romance

Shopping on Oxford Street in the Late 18th Century by Regan Walker

If you like history, romance or shopping, you will certainly enjoy today’s article by romance author, Regan Walker. Oxford Street in London is one of the settings in Regan’s new release, To Tame the Wind, which is set at the end of the eighteenth century. Though shopping malls had yet to be developed in the…

Silhouettes of a man and woman in Regency dress against a background of the number 80

Regency Turns 80 — The Convenient Marriage

Romance author Lillian Marek discusses Georgette Heyer’s The Convenient Marriage in today’s article. This Georgian romance was published in 1934, just one year before Regency Buck, the very first Regency novel. The Convenient Marriage is Heyer’s first romance which involves a marriage of convenience, though it would not be her last. Like Lillian, do you…

Silhouettes of a man and woman in Regency dress against a background of the number 80

Regency Turns 80 — The Transformation of Philip Jettan

Many of you may not recognize the title of this novel as that of one written by Georgette Heyer. The Transformation of Philip Jettan was indeed written by Heyer, though initially published under a pseudonym. When the novel was re-released a few years later, under Heyer’s own name, her new publisher changed the title to…

Silhouettes of a man and woman in Regency dress against a background of the number 80

Regency Turns 80 — The Black Moth

Almost a century ago, a teenage boy, suffering from hemophilia, was ordered to bed for an extended period of rest. To a bright, eager thirteen year-old, this was a devastating sentence of unutterable boredom. At this time, there were no game consoles, computers, the Internet, or even television. The radio had only recently become available…

New Regency Releases for March

New Regency Releases for March

New Releases For March 2014     Wareeze Woodson AN ENDURING LOVE IS WORTH KEEPING Soul Mate Publishing Historical/Some Sexual Contact Print/eBookBorn and raised in Latvia, Rebecca Balodis marries Rhys Sudduth, an English diplomat. Shortly thereafter, he is summoned home to attend his father’s death-bed. Rebecca cannot accompany him at the time and becomes trapped…

New Releases from Beau Monde Authors

New Releases from Beau Monde Authors

New Releases from Authors of The Beau Monde Chapter (Regency Historical) of Romance Writers of America   In Milady’s Chamber by Sheri Cobb South CreateSpace, ISBN: 978-1483915739 Regency Mystery When beautiful young Lady Fieldhurst discovers her faithless husband dead in her boudoir with her nail scissors protruding from his neck, it is up to John…