Georgian Romance

Cheryl Bolen Reveals The Power? of the Golden Heart Award

With the entry period for Beau Monde’s Royal Ascot Contest now underway, many of us are polishing our manuscripts and daydreaming about what effect a win might have on our budding writing careers. In today’s article, Cheryl Bolen, award-winning published author of several historical romance novels, records her conversations with a group of Golden Heart…

More New Book Releases – January 2012

More New Book Releases – January 2012

More New Book Releases from The Beau Monde Authors for late January and early February Enjoy! ROYAL RENEGADE  by  Alicia Rasley Publisher: Midsummer Books      Released: January 2012 Regency Escapades by Alicia Rasley feature rakish heroes, reckless heroines, and elegant stories. Royal Renegade offers the reader the historical depth and romantic intensity of the best traditional…

Blakeney Manor

A cross-post from The Regency Redingote: We seek him here, We seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? — Is he in hell? That demmed, elusive Pimpernel. Recited by Sir Percy Blakeney in Chapter 12 of The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy The stories of The Scarlet Pimpernel take…

Madelynne Ellis - Beau Monde Author headshot

Madelynne Ellis – Featured Beau Monde Author

Madelynne Ellis is today’s Featured Beau Monde Author. Madelynne has a healthy obsession with a certain Japanese rock star, drinks decaf out of preference, and enjoys scaring the wobblies out of people at gothic horror weekends. Multi-published in both traditional print and ebook formats, Madelynne began writing in 1996 after escaping the Hotel California, the…