
Articles about travel during the Regency

Picturesque Rides and Walks, with Excursions by Water …

A cross-post from The Regency Redingote: Yet again I have made a most delightfully serendipitous find in the course of my research. A lovely Regency-era guide-book which I think many Regency authors will find most helpful when they are seeking a setting for a new story, or perhaps planning a country excursion for their hero…

Assembly Rooms, May 2015
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Assembly Rooms, May 2015

So many articles this month! I hope you find some of them to be of interest. The prodigiously talented Gillray: The care and upbringing of foundlings: A London walk:

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Assembly Rooms, January 2015

Assembly Rooms is a collection of links to blogs and articles of interest to lovers of the Regency Era. Glorious Gothic: An impressive display of carriages:

The Picture of London

A cross-post from The Regency Redingote: "You can’t think I’m going to totter all over London looking at a lot of buildings I don’t want to see! Very happy to take you driving in the Park, but that’s coming it too strong, my dear girl!   … Besides, I don’t know anything about these curst…