Regency Era

Articles about the Regency era

The Journal of Mrs. Arbuthnot by Cheryl Bolen

Today’s article from Cheryl Bolen is a review of the published journals of Harriet Arbuthnot, a close friend and confidant of the Duke of Wellington. Mrs. Arbuthnot was also a social hostess of the Tory party, and knew many of the social and political luminaries of her time. She has recorded her impressions of many…

George IV Mahogany Canterbury

Regency Furniture – What did they do with it?

Regency Furniture can be a real puzzle. What did they do with it? Can you answer The Beau Monde’s  questions about furniture? eg  What is a Canterbury? What does it do? Have you ever begun to research one thing and curiosity leads you to other places, people, or objects? How good is your Regency era knowledge?…

Happy holidays to all our readers

       Happy holidays to all our wonderful readers.            Enjoy your celebrations and stay safe.                                          With love from The Beau Monde. Related articles Merry Christmas ( Holiday Wishes from…

The Education of Young Men and Women in the Regency — by Cheryl Bolen

Today we offer you an article by Cheryl Bolen about the way in which young people of both sexes were educated during the Regency. She presents some interesting facts on a Regency education which authors might find of value in their research. Bolen makes clear that the education of ladies was not ignored, nor was…

Mrs Hurst Dancing

A cross-post from The Regency Redingote: No, this book is not about Jane Austen’s Mrs. Hurst from Pride and Prejudice. The Mrs. Hurst who lent her name to the title of this delightful volume was a real woman, who lived during the Regency. Her home was in a small English village in Buckinghamshire called Newport…

Regency Promenade – About Lord Byron

To begin The Beau Monde’s new series on Regency Personages, Nancy Mayer, Regency Researcher Extraordinaire, takes great delight in presenting – About Lord Byron About Lord Byron by Nancy Mayer Lord Byron 1788 – 1824In April 1812, Lord Byron “awoke and found himself famous.” The occasion was the publication of the first two cantos of…