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Members’ Regency Fiction Releases For April 2023

On the 1st of each month, Regency Fiction Writers publishes our FREE online newsletter, The Regency Reader, to anyone interested in Regency Fiction (1780-1840). The publication features author interviews, tidbits about the Regency era, and a listing of new titles from members and non-members. Members’ releases also appear here on the blog. Submit your May…

A navy blue enamel pin in the shape of an open book, with gold lettering that reads 'Regency Fiction Writers' on the left page and '2021 Conference' below a gold silhouette of Jane Austen in a white oval on the right page.
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2021 Conference Registration Closes July 15th!

Regency Fiction Writers 2021 Virtual Conference A Brand New Day – The Many Facets of Regency Fiction July 22 – 24, 2021 The Board of Directors of Regency Fiction Writers invites you to join us for our Annual Conference and SoirĂ©e on July 22-24, 2021. This year’s conference spans three days with twelve workshops focused…

Kitchen Fireplace Furniture:   Contraptions for Cooking

A cross-post from The Regency Redingote: Last month I catalogued the different types of fireplace equipment which might have been found alongside Regency fireplaces in all the rooms of a house, except the kitchen. This week, I shall focus on kitchen fireplaces and the many unique devices and gadgets which had been invented to customize…

Fireplace Furniture:   Furnishing the Focus of the Regency Room

A cross-post from The Regency Redingote: Today, when most of us have some kind of furnace or other form of central heating in our homes, a fireplace is a luxury. Often, a luxury we typically enjoy only on special occasions. For our Regency ancestors, during the winter months their fireplace might literally be the difference…

Kathryn Kane — Featured Beau Monde Author

Kathryn Kane is today’s Featured Beau Monde Author. Kathryn is a historian and former museum curator who has enjoyed Regency romances since she first discovered them in her teens. She credits the novels of Georgette Heyer with influencing her choice of college curriculum, and she now takes advantage of her knowledge of history to write…