Regency Academe: Contraception, Pregnancy and Childbirth in History

Class begins on May 1st!

Contraception, Pregnancy and Childbirth in History
Active Class Dates: May 1-14, 2019
Cost: TBM Members: $15, Non-Members: $20
To Register:

Pregnancy and childbirth are a natural part of life that women of the past looked on with both excitement and fear. They never knew if it would be the beginning of a new life with a baby or the end of theirs. For those wishing to prevent a pregnancy, contraception was available, a lady just needed to know where to find it.

During this two-week class, participants will be taken through the ins and outs of the history of contraception, pregnancy and childbirth from medieval times up through the Victorian era, from a writer’s perspective. Lectures will cover the training and techniques of midwives and doctors, as well as the medicines, pain relief, complications and mortality rates surrounding childbirth. Period nomenclature, tools and other details necessary for writers looking to craft realistic scenes will be discussed, as well as methods of contraception available and how information about it was disseminated. Firsthand accounts from medical practitioners and their patients will help provide a full picture of pregnancy and childbirth in the time before antibiotics, epidurals and germ theory.

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