Members’ Regency Fiction Releases for January 2025
CHRISTMAS COURTSHIP (Christmas in the Castle) by Cynthia Harrison (author website) [Regency Romance]
JANUARY 7, 2025THE BANISHED BRIDE (Intrepid Heroines) by Andrea Pickens [Regency]
JANUARY 21, 2025A SILENT ACCORD (The Clandestine Sapphire Society) by Kathy L Wheeler (author website) [Regency Gothic; Romance; Mystery]
THE STORYBOOK HERO (Intrepid Heroines) by Andrea Pickens [Regency]
The Regency Reader
On the 1st of each month, Regency Fiction Writers publishes our FREE online newsletter, The Regency Reader, to anyone interested in Regency Fiction (1780-1840). The publication features author interviews, tidbits about the Regency era, and a listing of new titles from members and non-members. Members’ releases also appear here on the blog. Submit your March Regency-set Fiction Release or Regency Author Article by February 24th, to appear in the March issue. Information submitted after February 24th will appear in the April issue. (Subscribe now!)