How to Have Success with FB Ads and The Secrets of BookBub
WITH KATHY L WHEELERRegistration ends March 25, 2025!

Class Description
A Beginners Guide to Facebook Ads
This interactive course will take you through the basics of setting up ads on your Meta account and show you the elements of a good ad campaign. The information you should track and how to conduct testing.
BookBub Basics
This interactive course will take you through the basics of creating BookBub ads. The most effective elements for graphics, how to refine your targeting, and the importance of copy. You’ll learn the terminology, i.e., the difference between CPC and CPM—and the best time to use each.
This course will be conducted live on Zoom and the recordings saved for those who can’t attend live.

About the Instructor
Kathy L Wheeler | Mia Augustine is an award-winning author of over thirty-five contemporary and historical novels and novellas that range from sweet to spicy. Her courageous heroines save themselves. Their heroes are there to catch them… after the fact.
Kathy has a BA in Management Information Systems and a vocal minor from the University of Central Oklahoma. She loves the NFL, NBA, musical theater, travel, reading, writing and, just to scratch the singing itch… karaoke. She and her musically talented husband migrated to the Pacific Northwest from Oklahoma with their loveable and neurotic dog Angel, who lives up to her name—mostly.
Class Delivery
Class Format
This course will be conducted live on Zoom and the recordings saved for those who can’t attend live.
Class Fees
$20 for RFW members
$35 for non-members
Registration ends March 25 2025!
Scholarships are available for members