Louisa Cornell – Featured Beau Monde Author
Today’s featured Beau Monde author is Louisa Cornell!
Louisa Cornell is a retired opera singer living in LA (Lower Alabama) who cannot remember a time she wasn’t writing or telling stories. Anglophile, student of Regency England, historical romance writer— she escaped Walmart to write historical romance and hasn’t looked back. She is a member of RWA, Southern Magic RWA, and the Beau Monde Chapter of RWA. She lives off a dirt road on five acres in the middle of nowhere with a chihuahua so bad he is banned from vet clinics in two counties, several very nice dogs, and a cat who thinks she is a Great Dane and terminates vermin with extreme prejudice.

by Louisa Cornell
Release Date: May 31, 2017
ISBN-10: 1547088516
ISBN-13: 978-1547088515
What do you love best/interests you most about the Regency Era?
I love the beauty of the language, the manners, the clothes, the horses and carriages, men in breeches and boots. And I love the rules, because writing about clever women who figure out how to break those rules without getting caught and men who break them because love won’t let them do anything else is fun!
What do you like the most about the Beau Monde Chapter? How long have you been a member?
I love the Beau Monde Chapter for everything it has done for me since I started this writing journey. I love the generosity and knowledge of the members. I love being able to discuss the era we all love with enthusiasm and without getting weird looks. I love the wealth of expertise and the friendships I have made in the over nine years I have been a member of this amazing chapter.
You can find Louisa Cornell online in the following places:
Website: http://www.louisacornell.com/
One London One Blog: http://onelondonone.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @LouisaCornell
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RegencyWriterLouisaCornell
I’ve just read my first story of yours – from Christmas Revels – 2 – which I thoroughly enjoyed – and have now bought 1V. Is there a list of your books somewhere, where I could browse through and perhaps purchase others?
My email address is – patricia.miller@xtra.co.nz
Regards, Pat Miller