February Monthly Tea


Don’t miss this month’s tea, “Capturing Regency England On The Page” presented by Jayne Davis and Gail Eastwood on Thursday, February 15, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST, via Zoom.

The details that can make or break your Regency-set fiction fall into two major categories: 1) the historical period and 2) the location. Even with research, authors often make mistakes in both areas that can throw their readers right out of the story. We all run into the problem of “you don’t know what you don’t know”!

In their recently released reference work, Writing Regency England, co-authors Jayne Davis and Gail Eastwood tackled the challenge of addressing the genre’s most commonly seen errors in a host of subcategories divided into language, setting, and society. They’ll join us to share some examples from the book and discuss how they chose what to include, what they left out that they would have liked to include, and how combining their perspectives from both sides of the pond helped bring their project to fruition.

Join us for an exciting presentation on “Capturing Regency England on the Page.” (Be sure to SAVE YOUR SPOT via the link below!)

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