Writing Profession

Articles about the business of writing Regency novels

Down Under Beau Monde Authors

‘Down Under’, several Beau Monde members (from Romance Writers of Australia and New Zealand) are taking part in a five day Launch Party to introduce Historical Hearts. Do you know a lot about the Regency? Want to win prizes and support the Regency authors at the Historical Hearts blog? Then drop by every day this week for gossip, fun and prizes….


Royal Ascot Contest Deadline Approaching

The 2011 Royal Ascot Contest Deadline is April 1st! This year, the contest will feature trained first round judges and a panel of Final Round judges including three editors and three agents. For additional details, visit the website at: http://www.thebeaumonde.com/royalascot/ Final Round Judges Panel include: Selina McLemore, Senior Editor at Grand Central Publishing Jessica Faust, Bookends…

Welcome to the Beau Monde and our Regency World.

The Beau Monde, a specialist chapter of Romance Writers of America, welcomes you to our Regency World. Hope you enjoy your visit here and come back often. And please, don’t forget to visit the Where We Are page so you can visit our fascinating web pages,  ‘Like’ our Face Book Page, and to follow us on Twitter….