Royal Ascot Contest

Articles about the Beau Monde Royal Ascot Contest


Announcing the 2012 Royal Ascot!

Unpublished writers: Polish the first 7000 words of those manuscripts! The 2012 Royal Ascot will open for Entries on February 1st, 2012. In the next few weeks, details will be available on our webpage and through MyRWA, but, for now, here are highlights: This year’s contest will be open to unpublished authors and authors who…


Royal Ascot Contest Deadline Approaching

The 2011 Royal Ascot Contest Deadline is April 1st! This year, the contest will feature trained first round judges and a panel of Final Round judges including three editors and three agents. For additional details, visit the website at: Final Round Judges Panel include: Selina McLemore, Senior Editor at Grand Central Publishing Jessica Faust, Bookends…