Regency Era

Articles about the Regency era

Regency era lady sitting at a writing desk composing a letter

Writers wanted for the Quizzing Glass!

The Quizzing Glass blog is looking for new contributors. Here are some reasons to consider taking advantage of this volunteer writing opportunity: You can share with fellow RFW members interesting facts and information you may have gathered while doing research for your own books. You can determine the Regency-related topic you want to write about,…

February Monthly Tea

February Monthly Tea

  Don’t miss this month’s tea, “Capturing Regency England On The Page” presented by Jayne Davis and Gail Eastwood on Thursday, February 15, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST, via Zoom. The details that can make or break your Regency-set fiction fall into two major categories: 1) the historical period and 2) the location. Even…

A Regency Love Affair: Emma Hamilton and Lord Nelson, Pt. 2

A Regency Love Affair: Emma Hamilton and Lord Nelson, Pt. 2

Emma and Lord Nelson – first impressions Emma Hamilton first met Lord Nelson in 1793 in Naples, where her husband, Sir William Hamilton, was stationed as an ambassador to the court of Ferdinand and Maria Carolina. However, Emma and Nelson’s love affair didn’t heat up until after they met again in 1798. It’s hard to…

A Regency Love Affair: Emma Hamilton and Lord Nelson, Pt. 1

A Regency Love Affair: Emma Hamilton and Lord Nelson, Pt. 1

This month marks the 209th anniversary of the death of Emma Hamilton. She was best known during the Regency as Emma Hamilton, wife of Sir William Hamilton and the mistress of naval hero Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson. Theirs was a passionate affair, and this is the story of two intertwined lives, one of which ended in…