Class Description
Dialogue is one of the most important parts of any story. Dialogue can move a story forward. It can provide information about characters, situations, settings, and nearly every aspect of a piece of fiction. Something so vital is made doubly important and, therefore, difficult when one writes tales in a historical setting.
The objective of this class is to help writers of Regency fiction decide how authentic they wish their dialogue to be, how to achieve their chosen level of authenticity, how to make certain whatever level they choose is readable, clear, enjoyable, and accessible to their readers. It is hoped the lessons and materials of this class will allow attendees to write said dialogue with the wit, rhythm, shape, and realism necessary to make readers feel they are eavesdropping on conversations between living, breathing, emotionally vibrant characters.
Well-written period authentic dialogue even Jane Austen would delight in is easier than one thinks if one only has the tools to make it so. This class will endeavor to provide attendees with those tools.
About the Instructor
Louisa has been employed as everything from a veterinary technician to a bakery manager to night manager at a funeral home. Her education background includes a B.S. in Music Education and a B.A. in Vocal Performance from Judson College, a Master of Musical Arts and a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Opera Performance and Music History from the University of Southern Mississippi, and a year’s fellowship at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria.
After retiring from a European career as an opera singer Louisa returned to her first love, writing Regency romance. A two-time Golden Heart finalist, three-time Daphne du Maurier® winner, and four-time Royal Ascot winner—she is a member of RWA®, Southern Magic RWA, and Regency Fiction Writers. She is both indie-published and published by Scarsdale Publishing. Her first published work, the novella A Perfectly Dreadful Christmas, won the 2015 Holt Medallion®. Her novel A Study in Passion won the historical romance mid-length category of RWA®’s 2021 Vivian Award. Her 26th book A Pearl Seduced will be published in August, 2024. Her first contemporary romance Cajun in a Kilt will be published in December, 2024.
Louisa has taught workshops for the Academe and has presented multiple workshops for Regency Fiction Writers Annual Conferences. She has also taught writing craft workshops for RWA chapters, her local library, and RWA®’s Pen-2-Paper program.
Her hobbies include collecting Regency research books, studying the history of Gothic romance, creating Regency hats, and playing doorman and maid to a herd of small, yappy dogs. She visits the UK as often as she can! Visit the instructor’s website at
Class Delivery
Class Format
Written Lectures: Yes
Pictures: Possibly
Writing Exercises: Yes
Audio Files: Possibly
Video Lectures: Possibly
Other Videos: Yes
Class Fees
$40 for RFW members
$55 for non-members
Registration Closes September 19th!
Scholarships are available for members