Regency Basics PLUS!
WITH Allison LaneRegistration ends March 11, 2025!

Class Description
Join Lady of the Realm Allison Lane for Regency Basics PLUS!, an overview of Regency England covering the laws, customs, and beliefs that make it a unique setting for stories.
The course will cover titles & address, making and breaking marriages, inheritance rules, the Season, how to plan social gatherings, estate parks, travel, the postal system, money, food, remedies, libraries, the differences between the real Regency and the literary Regency, and much more. As authors, we want to write more than contemporary stories in costume, so let’s learn how.
This course consists of 20 lessons posted every weekday for four weeks. Allison encourages questions and answers them as they arise. The class includes images but no video, though links to useful online videos and other resources are provided.
Lesson topics are:
Week 1:
1: Introduction, plus the Regency era Class System
2: Titles & Address: Royalty
3: Titles & Address: Aristocracy
4: Titles & Address: Gentry & below
5: Precedence, plus the Church of England
Week 2:
6: Jurisprudence 101
7: Marriage & Children
8: Inheritance via Letters Patent, Entails, & Wills
9: Women’s Rights, plus the Social Year
10: Estate Parks (contents & layout)
Week 3:
11: Travel by Land and Sea
12: The Royal Mail & the London Post
13: Planning Society Entertainments
14: Money, Prices, & How to Pay your Bills
15: What the Upper Classes Ate and When
Week 4:
16: Medical Providers & Common Remedies
17: Libraries & Publications
18: What’s New Year by Year, 1800-1825
19: Military & a Chronology of the Wars, 1792-1815
20: Short Topics, plus Bibliography
For those who have taken Allison Lane’s Regency Basics classes before, she has combined both of her previous short classes into one longer class, expanded several of the topics, and added a couple of new ones, so you might want to register again.

About the Instructor
Allison Lane’s resume is decidedly eclectic, with degrees in applied math and computer science, plus a minor in astronomy. Her first career was in computer software design. Her second was teaching classical piano. Her third is writing.
So far, she has published nineteen traditional Regency romances, three Regency historicals, and seven Regency novellas, mostly for Signet, many of which won awards. Her entire backlist is available digitally from,,,,, etc., with the most recent novella available in the anthology A Regency Holiday, print, digital, and audio.
Allison’s interest in history started in childhood, triggered in general by her history teacher father, then became focused on the Regency period through writers like Georgette Heyer and Jane Aiken Hodge. She has been studying our period for decades and continues to update her class whenever she discovers new Regency facts.
Class Delivery
Class Format
Written Lectures: a pdf file for every lesson, plus a second pdf containing additional information for all pictures used in the class
Pictures: all images will be compressed into .zip files for easy downloading
Class Fees
$40 for RFW members
$55 for non-members
Registration ends March 11, 2025!
Scholarships are available for members